Jetto: Using Lateral Force Feedback for Smartwatch Interactions
Jun Gong, Da-Yuan Huang, Teddy Seyed, Te Lin, Tao Hou, Xin Liu, Molin Yang, Boyu Yang, Yuhan Zhang, Xing-Dong Yang ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2018 [PDF] [Video]
Smartwatches are beginning to shift from devices that provide quick and convenient access to information, to devices that also consume entertainment (e.g. videos and games) for brief periods of time, particularly in situations when users are on-the-go (e.g. using public transportation). While efforts have begun to accommodate these changes, the user experience is still quite limited due to the small-form factor and accordingly, the limited interaction space common to smartwatches today. Visual and auditory output on smartwatches have improved substantially, but opportunities for smartwatch-enabled haptics in the context of video and gaming applications, similar to those found in console gaming experiences, are yet to be fully explored and realized.

Mechanical Design
The entire mechanical system is composed of 12 components, including gears, connectors, rotary arm, motor holders, decoder holders, and inlet. The following figure demonstrates a teardown of the system structure.

Selected Press Coverage
EurekAlert: Dartmouth College brings smartwatch innovations to CHI2018